Top 10 Analytics / Data Science Training Institutes In India- Ranking 2017

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Amidst the growing number of institutes that are offering analytics courses, it often gets overwhelming as to which is the right one for you. Answering the same, we bring to you our annual ranking titled ‘Top 10 Analytics/Data Science Training Institutes in India’, that lists top 10 institutes for this year you can vouch for your analytics needs.

This is the sixth consecutive ranking by us and successfully provides insights into analytics education world. In an intensive analysis of over two months, these institutes were minutely analyzed on various parameters to come up with the ranking. These five parameters are— Course Content, Pedagogy, External Collaborations, Faculty and Other Attributes like, Placement Assistance, Virtual Labs Events, LMS, etc. Each of these parameters were allotted ratings on the scale of 1-5, where 5 is for the best and 1 for the worst.

This is an independent Study by Analytics India Magazine and is based on information that institutes shared with us. This ranking is for the personal information only and is intended to serve as a guiding post for students in their search for analytics institutes. Students are advised to do their own research since their are various other factors that come in picture for a subjective decision making on the institutes.


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