7 AWESOME Google Search Tricks You Should Be Using For Market Research

You may know how to use google’s basic search functions, but I bet you’ve never used these advanced tricks for market research. Here are 7 amazing google search tricks you can use! Subscribe here to learn more of my google tricks and tips:
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You’re using Google every single day. But I bet you’re only doing basic searches.

In this video I share with you seven advanced Google queries that you ought to know.

The first query I have for you is exclusion related. Let’s say you’re associated with another brand or topic, or whatever you’re searching for has multiple meanings. You can exclude one of the meanings, so that you’re not getting the wrong type of results.

For example, I’m associated with a lot of different companies. One of them is kissmetrics. If I wanna see all the articles related to me that are not including kissmetrics, I would just do a Google search for Neil space Patel space minus kissmetrics. It’ll show me all the results that are related to me that don’t include kissmetrics.

The second query I have for you, will help you build more links. Let’s say a lot of people are mentioning your brand, but they’re not linking to you. You can do a Google query, which you’re typing in intext, one word, colon, and your brand name.

By doing that, what it’ll show is all the people who are mentioning your brand throughout their content. And then from there you can look through them and see which ones aren’t linking back to your site. You can hit them up and ask them for a link.

It’s a simple way to get more links, which will boost your search engine rankings.

The third query I have for you will help you save time by showing you the exact results you wanna see.

A lot of times when you do a Google search, you’re gonna get results from random web pages that just talk about your subject, and not really too much in-depth.

But if someone mentions your keyword within the title of their page, there’s a really high chance that that page is really on the subject matter that you’re looking up.

So you can do a Google search with intitle colon and a keyword, and it will only show you results that have that keyword within the title of the page.

The fourth query I have for you is inurl. So we use inurl colon, and let’s say it’s affiliate as a keyword. You can then see all the pages that have the word affiliate in the URL. This is really useful.

Let’s say you’re also starting your own affiliate campaign, and you want see what your competitors are offering in your space. Now you can see all of their affiliate pages, and you can use this to try to create a better offer than them.

The fifth one I have for you is a site colon command.

If you do site colon, your URL .com or .net or whatever it may be. What you’ll see is, you’ll see a list of pages that Google has indexed from your site. This is really useful because if you create a thousand pages, but Google only has 100 index or 50 index, then you know that something is off, and you should check your Google Search Console to figure out why they’re not picking up all of your pages.

The sixth query I have for you is minus inurl. What I mean by this, is let’s say your domain is called crazyegg.com and you wanna see who’s talking about crazyegg, other than your own website.

Because if you just Google crazyegg, what is Google gonna show you? It’s probably gonna show you your own website first.

So if you type in crazyegg space minus inurl colon crazyegg.com they’ll show you results from all over the web, and exclude your own website. The last query I have will help you determine which other websites are related to yours. So you can do a search on Google with related colon your domain .com or .net or whatever the extension may be, and Google will show you all the other websites that they feel are related to yours and are pretty much your competitors, at least in the eyes of Google.

Follow those queries, you’ll save time, you’ll be able to build more backlinks, and you’ll figure out how to grow your business. It’s that simple.

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